


UPCOMING: Sawalha, N., Lux, A. & Rossmann C. (2024, September). Mobile health in the self-management of chronic diseases: A systematic meta-analytical review of effects across the mobile media ecosystem. [Research Talk]. 53rd Conference of the German Psychology Society (DGPs), Vienna, Austria.


UPCOMING: Lux, A., Sawalha, N., Rödel, N., Riesmeyer, C., Karnowski, V., Rossmann C. & Kammerer, R. (2024, June). Moving beyond the metaphor: Exploring theoretical and methodological conceptualizations of the mobile media ecosystem [Workshop]. Mobile Preconference of the 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.
Rossmann, C. (May, 2024). Interdisciplinary Collaborations. Challenges, Opportunities, and Implementation Using the Example of the Research Group DISELMA. Lecture within Future Workshop 2024: Intra- and Interdisciplinary Collaborations, Zurich, Switzerland.
Lux, A., Kammerer, R. & Rossmann C. (2024, April). Research Unit DISELMA. [Poster presentation]. LMU Global Health Day, Munich, Germany.
Rossmann, C., Karnowski, V., Metag, J., Raupp, J., Reifegerste, D., Riesmeyer, C., Sawalha, N., Esser, A.-L., Kammerer, R., Lux, A., Neuberger, M., Rödel, N. & Singh, F. (2024, March). Digitale Medien im Selbstmanagement chronischer Erkrankungen (DISELMA): Visionen für ein besseres Leben? Presentation of a new DFG research group. Open window at the 69th annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Erfurt, German


Sawalha, N. & Rossmann, C. (2023, November). Patient-Facing Mobile Chronic Disease Interventions with Healthcare Provider Co-Use: A Systematic Review of Tool Characteristics and Effectiveness [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC) 2023, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Sawalha, N. & Rossmann, C. (2023, May). Mobile Health for the Self-Management of Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review of Tool Characteristics, Usage, and Health-Related Effects [Paper presentation]. 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

Participating Universities

The Research Unit DISELMA is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) – 456132969.