News And Events

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ICA 2025 - DISELMA hosts Preconference in Denver


Join us for DISELMA’s preconference at the ICA 2025 Denver: “Boon or bane? The role of digital media in disease prevention and management” — check out the call for abstracts here!

We are excited to announce that DISELMA will be hosting a preconference ahead of the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Denver, Colorado, next year in collaboration with divisions Health Communication, Communication and Technology (CAT), and Mobile Communication. The preconference will center around the theme: “Boon or bane? The role of digital media in disease prevention and management”


  • Format: In-person, full-day preconference
  • Date: Thursday, June 12, 2025
  • Time: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Location: On-site
  • Keynote speaker: Dr. Anne-Linda Camerini (Università della Svizzera Italiana, profile)
Check out our Call for Abstracs here!

IP2 “Effects” at DGPs/ÖGP congress 2024 in Vienna


At the DGPs/ÖGP Congress in Vienna, IP2 “Effects” presented first insights from their systematic meta-analytical review on mHealth and chronic disease management.

In Vienna, Alexandra Lux presented the first preliminary results from IP 2 Effects’ systematic meta-analytical review on the effects of mHealth use on self management outcomes within the mobile media ecosystem During the DGPs/ÖGP Congress, the focus was placed on a subsample of studies specifically related to Type 1 diabetes.

  • Our comprehensive literature search across four databases yielded 7,779 records, with 205 studies meeting the eligibility criteria for our review.
  • Diabetes dominates the sample, representing 84% of the studies; the remaining studies focused on asthma and COPD.
  • The type 1 diabetes studies mainly concentrated on outcomes related to self care behaviors and health status, neglecting behavioral determinants.

Workshop on the “Mobile Media Ecosystem” in Australia


DISELMA hosted a workshop at the ICA Mobile Communication Preconference on the Gold Coast, Australia on the “Mobile Media Ecosystem.”

On June 19th, DISELMA of hosted a workshop at the Mobile Communication Preconference “Mobilizing Communication Rights for Humans, More-than Humans, and Beyond,” which took place ahead of the 74th International Communication Association (ICA) conference on the Gold Coast, Australia. The workshop focused on the conceptualization of the “Mobile Media Ecosystem.”


The workshop was a collaborative effort between our individual projects IP1: Use, IP2: Effects, and IP3: Healthcare. The goal was to move beyond the metaphorical usage of the term “Mobile Media Ecosystem” and delve into its practical and theoretical implications. Through interactive discussions and explorations at World Café Tables, participants examined different conceptualizations using the mobile self-management of chronic diseases as an example. The engagement and enthusiasm of the attendees were remarkable, providing valuable insights and enriching our collective understanding from various scholarly perspectives.


BACKGROUND: Previous studies examining mHealth effects predominantly employ short-term forced-exposure designs with specific apps that neglect that users make use of the entire mobile media ecosystem and differ in use and its drivers. Therefore, in order to gain a comprehensive understanding, we need to consider the mobile media ecosystem in its entirety when conducting research. This demands a clear definition of the concept, theoretical adjustments, and methodological developments. Against this background, the workshop aims to delve into potential avenues for conceptualizing the mobile media ecosystem, while using self-management as a specific example. This workshop was addressed to all scholars concerned with studying mobile media use in a converging ecosystem.

DISELMA at the LMU Global Health Day 2024


Our Munich-based team presented DISELMA at LMU’s inaugural Global Health Day 2024.

On April 11th, the LMU Munich hosted its inaugural Global Health Day, an interdisciplinary event brought to life under the joint patronage of Professor Francesca Biagini, Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity, and the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH). The event aimed to explore a wide array of topics, challenges, and innovative solutions in the realm of global health, bringing together experts and enthusiasts from various fields.

Our Munich-based research associates, Alexandra Lux (IP2: Effects) and Rebecca Kammerer (IP3: Healthcare), represented DISELMA at this groundbreaking event. They showcased our objectives and initiatives for the next four years and engaged in collaborative exchanges with peers from different disciplines. This event provided a valuable platform for networking, sharing knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary cooperation.

DISELMA at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK 2024


DISELMA introduced itself to the scientific community at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK 2024 in Erfurt.

On March 15th, our research unit had the invaluable opportunity to introduce DISELMA to the scientific research community at the German Communication Association conference 2024 (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikation; DGPuK) held in Erfurt. 

Our spokesperson Constanze Rossmann kicked off the session by providing an insightful overview of the scope of DISELMA. This set the stage for each individual project to present its main objectives and work program for the upcoming four years.

We are deeply grateful to Prof. Dr. Gerhard Vowe (University of Düsseldorf) for graciously chairing our session. His expertise and guidance facilitated an engaging discussion with the attendees of our panel. The lively exchange of ideas and perspectives fueled our enthusiasm for the journey ahead.

Additionally, we extend our sincere gratitude to the remarkable organizing committee of the DGPuK for their tireless efforts in orchestrating such a successful event.

DISELMA Kick-Off Meeting in Munich


All members of the research unit DISELMA and its advisory board met in Munich last week to kick-off the project.

Last week, on February 21st and 22nd, our DISELMA research unit embarked on a significant milestone with a two-day kick-off meeting at the Department for Media and Communication at the LMU Munich. Hosted by the research unit’s spokesperson, Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann, the gathering united all 13 team members across our six individual projects focusing on the role of digital media in chronic disease self-management.


In attendance were also our esteemed advisory board members. Associate Prof. Dr. Jessica Vitak and Assistant Prof. Dr. Lara Wolfers joined us in person, while Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise DierksProf. Dr. Lee HumphreysDr. Annett Schulze, and Prof. Dr. Horst Vollmar participated virtually. All contributed invaluable insights to our in-depth discussions  during the kick-off meeting.


The kick-off meeting in Munich marks the beginning of an exciting chapter for DISELMA, and we look forward to sharing our journey and insights with the broader community.

© Image by Freepik

ECHC Conference


During the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC) 2023 in Klagenfurt, Nariman Sawalha and Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann presented their systematic review on mHealth with healthcare provider co-use.

At the European Conference on Health Communication 2023 in Klagenfurt on November 16, our team members Nariman Sawalha and Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann (Individual Project: Effects, LMU Munich) presented a systematic review on mobile health interventions with healthcare provider co-use for patients with chronic diseases. The review delved into the nuanced characteristics and effectiveness of these interventions, sparking insightful discussions with engaged conference participants.

Key takeaways from our review: The crux of advancing self-management support through mHealth co-use lies in establishing effective communication channels that foster meaningful engagement between patients and healthcare providers. Going beyond the limitations of brief feedback reliant solely on self-reported data, the emphasis should lie on facilitating personal interactions to ensure tailored support and comprehensive care. For a deeper understanding of our approach and results, read the extended abstract of our review.

DFG funds Research Unit DISELMA


The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) is funding a communication science research unit on the topic of Digital Media in Chronic Disease Self-Management (DISELMA).

We are excited to announce the establishment of the DFG-funded communication science research unit DISELMA, dedicated to exploring “Digital Media in Chronic Disease Self-Management.” 


Chronic diseases pose significant challenges globally, both in prevalence and economic impact. Recognizing the pivotal role of self-management, especially in the digital age, DISELMA aims to shed light on this complex interplay. The research unit DISELMA, led by spokesperson Professor Dr. Constanze Rossmann (LMU Munich), addresses this interplay through six individual projects:

    • Two projects on the individual level analyze patterns and determinants of continuous usage and effects (Prof. Dr. Veronika Karnowski, TU Chemnitz; Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann, LMU Munich).
    • Two projects on the interpersonal level examine the role of healthcare provision (PD Dr. Claudia Riesmeyer, LMU Munich) and informal networks (Prof. Dr. Doreen Reifegerste, University of Bielefeld).
    • One project focuses on the organizational level (Prof. Dr. Juliana Raupp, Freie Universität Berlin).
    • One project investigates the media discourse (Prof. Dr. Julia Metag, University of Münster).

By integrating these  individual projects and employing innovative methods and research designs, the research unit DISELMA aims to specify theoretical connections between the different levels and make them fruitful for related areas. Additionally, the integrated evidence on the significance of digital media in illness self-management aims to contribute to healthier conditions and empower individuals to better cope with their chronic diseases.

Participating Universities

The Research Unit DISELMA is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) – 456132969.